Monday, November 11, 2019

Potential Calendar Components

Again, zillions of possibilities, guys! These are just my own thoughts:

There are so many potential parts of Your Unique Calendar, including:
     1.    calendar pages
       a.    I like both the page-a-day I make up with my own holidays AND
       b.    a pretty printed-out monthly calendar, placed at the beginning of each month
     2.    reminders, tucked in wherever they're most useful to you, eg
       a.    a list of ideas of where you want to go in your area and beyond (I put at the beginning of each month and move them to the next month when it arrives)
       b.    a list of my favorite projects I want to work on often (I put at the beginning of each month and move them to the next month when it arrives)
       c.    when bills are due and other lovely things, so you don't have to worry you'll forget (I put where they're due, or actually long enough ahead so if something happens to anything usually automatically paid I have time to pay the bill)
       d.    habits you want to have (I put at the beginning of each month and move the page to the next month when it arrives)
     3.    actual planners
     4.    Um, these are things that are more involved, so though they of course could fit into this calendar idea, I myself have separate pages or notebooks:
       a.    a thinner birthday notebook of every loved one's birthday with gift ideas and records so I say get something at a fairly similar price level for other kids in the family, etc.
       b.    food plans are huge in my home, so I have a book I wrote, clipped-together ideas for each month and each big holiday, fresh sheets for each week put up, etc etc. (it sounds more complicated than it is; I find once I'm organized the way I like, life is so much easier)

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Thank you so much for visiting! I'd love to hear your own ideas for your own holidays and own calendars!