Monday, November 11, 2019

Of Planners

Re planners:
     1.    Sometimes I tuck hole-punched planner pages into my calendar notebooks. PLANNERS are a whole big subject unto themselves! I have the "problem" that no one planner has ever met my interests or other needs (though Passion Planner has definitely come the closest; they are extremely generous with downloadable samples, at ), so I almost always end up creating my own or at least using a different premade planner each week. Sometimes I tuck them in, often I just have them out on my desk. I've played with bullet journals and see how cool they can be too…
     2. Right now, though, I'm playing with a physical card planner idea in which cards are just arranged in the order in which I want to use their ideas each day, and the cards are used zillions of times until say the project on them is finished. I started this because physical cards are how I keep track of my food to make sure I have all I do best with in general categories. So I'm working on making cards that cover all I do best with, though possibly not those that are such a habit I don't need to make yet more cards (since this is even more complex than the food cards). The cards pictured below are made from cutting 8.5x11 card stock into 4 pieces, and then have artwork I bought from Etsy literally cut and pasted onto each. (Eventually I'll list favorite sources......but wanted to get started on this site.....) Um, there is also another type of card -- it's weird, because I'm so non-religious/spiritual/etc, but I can find it encouraging to do "card spreads" at the beginning of a workday on "relaxing" etc, and just use cards I find pretty (the one I spy below is from the Victorian Fairy Tarot, and it was to remind me to remember I was pretty tuckered out when I set about to clean that day); more later on this idea....One advantage to this system instead of a write-down-on-a-paper all I'm going to do that day approach is that it's much more painless to omit and add projects as I realize I have more ideas for one project, don't feel like another project that day, want to move a project to earlier or later in the day, etc....This especially works for me because a planner is never a keepsake for me -- it very well may be if I were a good artist, but I just recycle at the end of a week or so....

     3. I'm sorta embracing how planners can be a big part of one's calendar life, so on this site I'll pass on ideas of my own that I think may be of interest, and also give links of (other) nice planners I run across.

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